Well I was surprised to read my comments this morning and see that Rebekah thinks I am Fabulous, in fact so fabulous that she gave me this award! Well this award comes with string attached of course ... but fun strings ... Here are the rules posted on Rebekah's site ...
Here are the rules to receiving this award:
1. You have to pass it on to 5 other fabulous bloggers in a post.
2. You have to list 5 of your fabulous addictions in the post.
3. You must copy and paste the rules and the instructions below in the post.
Instructions: On your post of receiving this award, make sure you include the person that gave you the award and link it back to them.
So here are my Fabulous addictions:
1. I LOVE coffee, I know that's not that unusual for a new mommy, but I only drink decaf, so it's not even the caffeine I drink it for, I just really love the taste of coffee...go figure
2. I love to shop for Grace, especially headbands and bows! I just can't help myself, and I'm convinced that she can never have enough. In fact here are some photos:
These are all her headbands:
And these are all her bows:
I know you asked, Rebekah, where I get them from. I buy most of them at Etsy or ebay. I can never find any cute ones in the stores. I desperately searched for headbands that won't leave marks in her poor little head.
3. I 'secretly' love reality tv, the trashier the better! Cole despises trashy tv though, he just rolls his eyes in disgust.
4. I'm addicted to facebook, there I said it! I must check facebook 2-3 times a day. I love stalking people via facebook! Sounds creepy but it's fun and innocent I swear!
5. And I will steal from Rebekah and list Cole as my 5th Addiction - Cole truly is my best friend in life! He's the best husband and father. He's a hard worker and knows how important being a stay at home mom is to me, so he makes it happen!
Here's who I Nominated as a FABULOUS BLOG!
Okay, so I'm going to break the rules here. I'm only going to nominate a few, frankly because only a few people actually read our blog, I don't think we even have 5 other blogs that read ours.
1. The Brennan's~ It's my sister's blog and it's hilarious! She has a 3 year and a one month old, both boys, so you can just imagine the stories she has to tell!
2. Rebekah ~ I'm tagging her back, not because I want her to redo her, but because I want her to know that I think she's fabulous as well! Rebekah has an adorable daughter with another on the way, very soon! Rebekah, thank you for the kind words and for being such a loyal blog follower! I love reading your comments!