As far as updates go my blood pressure was good today at the doctor's 128/88, so she said to just keep doing what I'm doing because it's working! Who would've thought that just laying around all day would actually make my bp better! We also did the lovely GBS test today so we'll get the results of that at the next appointment. Also she checked me and I'm 1-2 cm and 75% effaced, yeah for progress, I guess these cramps aren't for nothing! Now, hopefully I'll continue to make progress, but unfortunately the progress doesn't really mean anything, I could stay at 1-2cm for another 5 weeks with no change. But I've been having awful cramps the last few days that don't seem to go away, so hopefully they will continue to change my cervix.
As far as how I'm feeling, I can't move anymore! The doctor even made a comment on how I walk like I'm ready to deliver. I think Grace has dropped, because I can hardly move and my waddling has become ridiculous, and my pelvis pain is out of this world! Also my stomach has been all over the place, I haven't been able to get a handle on my "morning" sickness and I have had loose bowels (TMI) off and on for a week now. I'm just ready to meet my little girl, I'm achy and cry ALL the time now! I asked Cole last night if he thinks I'll be able to go one day without crying from now until Grace is born, and he just laughed and shook his head no.
Here's a belly pic from 34 weeks