Today Grace is wearing pink for Sydney and Carynne. Sydney and Carynne are identical twins that were diagnosed with the most severe form of Werdnig-Hoffman disease a few weeks ago. Well earlier this week both girls lost their short battle. The funeral for both girls is today on their 6 month birthday, so in honor of them people nation wide are wearing pink, including Miss Grace. You can follow their blog here. My heart breaks for Brooke and her family.
I on the other hand wouldn't mind some warmer weather, but I am so not ready for swimsuit season. Fortunately for me we have many months before it will be swimsuit season, just don't tell Grace, she's excited to show off her baby chub!
Have I mentioned how much I love the Miracle Blanket?? I've mentioned in the past how helpful it was to us when Grace went through the colicky stage. Well, last week a representative from Miracle blanket got a hold of me, via my blog, to thank me for blogging about their products, and offer me a free miracle blanket. Are you serious? A free miracle blanket? Those things are amazing! Well, today I received our free blanket...I'm so excited!
If you're baby is colicky buy a miracle blanket, you won't be sorry!!
Oh, and keep blogging, you never know who's reading!!
Friday afternoon Grace did not want to nap, but she did not want to play either...she just wanted to snuggle with me! Trust me I was not complaining!
Saturday Grace woke up early because she went to bed early...she actually went to bed at 11p and woke up at 7:30...yeah, so we decided to head to the mall early. At the mall I found the cutest sunglasses at The Children's Place, so of course I bought them for Grace!
Yup, I bought 2 pairs, of course every 5 month old needs 2 pairs of sunglasses!
I just love those blue eyes!
I can't decide if I like the edited or unedited version better, so thought I'd share both.
Grace loves being able to sit all by herself. Yesterday she was sitting in our bed and thought it was so great!
She eventually fell over and decided to stare out the window.
While at the mall Saturday we went to Trader Joe's to pick up more organic vegetables for Grace. We picked up an avocado and here's the results..
Needless to say I don't think she likes avocados, we'll try again today, but so far 2 days in a row she has boycotted the avocados.
Yes, I have fallen off the wagon, I've been anti-dieting for almost 3 weeks...yikes! I finally stepped back on the scale this morning and luckily I've only gained back 2 pounds. I thought for sure I would've gained back 10 pounds with the way I've been eating. Today I am back on track! The Brennans helped us put together our new treadmill yesterday and I am very excited! Hopeful next Monday I will be able to report that I lost those added 2 pounds and then some!
Yes, I am going to blog every new food we try, I'm that Mom! Anyways, we went 3 days on carrots and Grace did fine, no allergic reaction, so today we tried sweet potatoes. Grace didn't really seem to have an opinion on them, she did not hate them, but did not go crazy for them either.
Grace hates tummy time, always has and I'm pretty sure she always will. The only way I can get her to tolerate tummy time is if I stand her Giraffe up for her to try to get.
We bought Grace a mesh feeder a while ago for teething, but since we hadn't started food yet, we were only putting ice cubes in it. Grace could really careless about the ice cubes. Now that we've started food I froze an organic apple and banana and now when her teeth are bothering her she munches on some frozen fruit, she LOVES it!
Lily fell asleep like this yesterday:
Just a few pictures of Miss Grace and I playing on the floor
Today Grace's Papa (Cole's Dad) brought over her Valentine's Day present, a giant bear. It is adorable and Grace LOVES it! We have yet to name it yet though... a few pictures as promised!