1. Like I said we've been sick, I got mastitis a few weeks ago, that Saturday Grace got the worst cold ever, then Wednesday I got the worst cold ever. Finally today we're starting to feel better! When Grace was sick all she wanted to do was cuddle!

Besides cuddling, she just wanted to sleep, but would wake up every 2o minutes because she was so congested. Needless to say we are very sleep deprived.
2- Yes, Grace is still teething off and on, but I finely I broke down and bought her Sophie the Giraffe. Sophie is an expensive teething toy that is highly recommended for early teethers because it is light weight and has areas that our small enough to get in a little one's mouth.
Grace loves it! The down fall is that it squeaks which makes Lily really want it, so I have to make sure I keep it out of her reach otherwise she'll destroy it!
3-Grace is still sitting by herself and doing a great job. Every day she can stay up a little longer then the time before.
4- We gave Grace her first cereal. I originally was going to wait until she was 6 months old and just start her on home made organic vegetables, but the past for days every time I eat something with her she lunges for my spoon. So, Sunday I decided to try rice cereal, we found organic cereal at Target, so I was so excited!

She doesn't really know what to think about it, she'll take it off the spoon, but then just spits it out. We've only given her about 2-3 spoonfuls the past few days just once a day. We're not using it to replace a meal, just in addition to her meals, to get her used to the taste and consistency. I guess time will tell whether or not she'll start to like it. Once she starts to get the concept and eats the cereal and starts to want more then a spoonful we'll switch to vegetables.
5- We went to the Brennans' on Sunday to watch the Super Bowl. Grace hung out with the boys and played Transformers.
6- I tortured Grace and tried to take some Valentine's Day pictures.