We had quite the busy weekend, which means I took lots of pictures! Thursday night I was cleaning the bathroom so placed the bathmat on the treadmill so I'd remember to shake it out, well, Lily thought the treadmill would be a nice play to lay.

Poor Grace has a cold, which she got on top of an ear infection and
conjunctivitis, so she sported a booger nose all weekend.

Grace got a new cell phone and she loves it!

Friday night we went to the Brennan's, like we do every Friday night.
Grace staring at Jackson, she loves him!

Grace and Jacob...she thinks something is funny, he's not so sure.

Jacob starring at Gracie.

Saturday we ran to the mall to buy some stuff for Grace's welcoming. While we were at the mall we bought Grace a big girl
car seat.
Grace's last time in her baby
car seat.

(Grace's first time in her baby
car seat...where does the time go?)

Grace testing out her big girl
car seat!

Saturday Grace also tried
green beans for the first time. There really isn't anything she doesn't like, I thought she wouldn't like the
green beans, but she gobbled them right up!

Grace riding in her big girl car seat (don't worry it's still

Sunday we went up to Milton for breakfast with Cole's Dad's family before they went to Cole's Grandmother's 1 year memorial mass.
Grace with some of Cole's cousins (our
ring bearer and
flower girl!)

From Milton we went to the St. Patrick's Day parade in town. It was Grace's first parade and she did very well. It ended up being a 2 hour long parade, Grace slept through some of it though.
Grace in her stroller waiting for the parade to start.

Grace sleeping.