Just some of the other pictures I liked from the weekend.
Grace in her cute little Keds.

Jacob's toes

View from our porch.

Grace playing on the deck.

Late Saturday afternoon we were trying to think of something to do with Grace. We decided to drive the 40 minutes to go to Patriots Place. We got there ate at Red Robin then walked around the Bass Pro Shop. We had a lot of fun and I'm glad we decided to go!
Red Robin, yum!

Grace at Red Robin.

Lots of fishing rods.

The view from the Bass Pro Shop.


Arm of a chair

Arm of other chair.

Trying to photograph water has become a hobby of mine. I always love how it looks so different every time.
Waterfall at Bass

Sunday we went to a cookout, then went to Whole Foods, then came home.
Grace on the pavement (don't worry I just put her down her a second to snap this shot.)
Duckie at

Washing Grace's hair.