Yesterday we went to Grandma and Papa's house to spend the day cooking and swimming with the
Brennans'. We had a great time!
Jacob sporting his cool suntan lotion hair do.

Auntie's yummy pasta salad

and extra yummy
pico de gallo.

Jacob and Grace played in the pack n play.

Silly girl!

The babies like to wrestle.

Comparing toys

Jacob was a fish like his brother and loved the water.


Grace was not a fan of the water and would cry if more then her feet touched the water. So in typical girl fashion Grace sat on the side of the pool with her feet in.

Even in the big pool only her feet could touch the water.

Poor Jackson wasn't feeling well and fell asleep on the chair.

I love his beautiful eye lashes!

Last night I made Grace and I some dairy free muffins. I added in some apples, pumpkin, and carrots to make them healthier. Well this led to a milestone for Grace, she got to lick the beaters for the first time ever.
(Don't worry no eggs or anything were used in the mix.)
She was not happy I took the beater away to get a picture.

I gave the beater back and she was one happy camper.

Hope everyone had a Happy 4th!