We were lucky enough to see the sun again today. Wow, two sunny days in a row, it's actually starting to feel like July in MA. We headed to Grandma and Papa's pool with the
Brennans' again!
Grace sitting on the swing with me.


Grace's flip flops

Grace playing with a lonely

Close up of Grace's baby rolls.

Grandma and Papa's dog,
Koko, playing in her pool.

Jacob in the pack n play

Grace fell asleep on the swing with Daddy.

Grace diving into the hummus.

Jackson with Papa in his uniform.


and again.

Auntie and Jacob. (I'm aware of the butt crack in the background, but decided to not edit it out. It's typical Uncle Josh!)
Jacob in his float and loving it.

Uncle Josh throwing the ball to Jackson.

The sun shining on the pool.

Jackson squirting everyone with his squirt gun.

Another fun Sunday!