Monday, March 17, 2008

12 Weeks

Well another week has come and gone! We are finally almost done with the first trimester, only a few more weeks. We go back for another ultra sound Thursday, so I'm sure I'll be blogging later in the week about that. As for the countdown, we are finally in the 100's and out of the 200's, only 196 more days until our due date, yeah!

What's happening with the baby this week:

  • Vocal cords begin to form

  • Those precious eyes begin to move closer together

  • Ears shift to their normal place on the side of the head

  • Intestines move farther in to your child's body

  • His or her liver begins to function - Responsible for cleansing the blood, storing nutrients, and providing needed chemicals, this is an important event!

  • The pancreas begins to produce insulin

What's happening with me this week:

Well, every book and website says my morning sickness should go away this week, but so far this week is the worst it's ever been. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed though. The Zofran did work well for me, but unfortunately my insurance will only give me 12 pills a month. Well when you are suppose to take 2 pills every day, 12 pills don't last a long time. Stupid insurance company, how do 12 pills equal a month supply? Do they know how many days are in your average month? Can they simply not add? Well, regardless I had a good week, vomit wise last week, but this week with no Zofran , it's back to Barf City! Warning, I'm now going to be talking about my bowels again! On a positive note, I think it was the Zofran that was making me constipated, because without it now for a few days, I am no longer having constipation problems. Unfortunately for me, I am now on the other end of the spectrum and have diarrhea. I just can't win, no happy medium for me or my bowels. I am down 5.7 pounds since last week,and I officially weigh less now then I did before I got pregnant. Who would have thought that pregnancy would be the one diet that worked for me?

Well I guess that's all for now, I will post after the doctor's Thursday, hopefully with some new pictures of baby Gryler!