Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Whooah, were half way there

We've made it, 20 weeks! We've finally hit the half way mark. We've made it up the hill and now we just have to make it back down.

What's happening with Grace this week:
"Your baby's skin begins to thicken this week and will develop four layers. Your baby's sebaceous glands secrete a waxy substance called vernix caseosa. Your baby will be born with this wax and it will look like paste. The vernix caseosa is crucial because it protects the fetus' fragile skin from the continuous immersion in amniotic fluid. Lanugo hairs secure the vernix caseosa in place and it is thick around the eyebrows. Scalp hair and toenails are beginning to form at this point. Hair can also be seen on the upper lip and eyebrows. "

What's up with me:
Well, we hit 2 milestones this past week! Cole finally felt Gracie move and I finally felt Gracie's hiccups! What an amazing thing it was to see Cole's face as he felt his daughter for the first time. The way his face lit up and he began to smother Grace with kisses was amazing, he was a dad, a dad who I saw fall in love with his little girl all over again, it was truly amazing! The hiccups are the weirdest thing. I can feel this rhythmic tapping that vibrates my stomach, both times it's happened I've gone to feel my stomach and startled Gracie so much that they stop.
Well, as usual I'm still getting sick and this past week has been worse then usual. I'm down 5 pounds this week, which means I'm down almost 12 pounds overall. This past week I've also started getting this awful pain in my pelvis. It feel like I've been kicked repeatedly in my groin area, it hurts to walk and lift my legs. I now look like the biggest idiot when I try to walk, because it's easier to sort of waddle. I can't be waddling this early!
Well, it sounds like my problem is actually a separated symphysis pubis, which means the front of my pelvic area has separated and there is a gap in between the two bones which makes it painful to do anything that involves moving the pelvis. I'm just trying not to move and icing it often. We go back to the doctor next Monday so I will be sure to discuss this with her.

Now some added pictures from the weekend

Here's a picture of both my girls on my first almost Mother's Day

Saturday as I was sitting at the computer eating pickles, I thought how cliche is this. It was so cliche that I had to take a picture. If you look closely you can see my bottle of Tums in the background. What would a pregnant girl do without pickles and tums?

And yes, I did polish off that whole jar!

Here's just a cute picture of Jackson, who wasn't feeling well Sunday, but still managed a big smile!