I don't have a lot of updates today, we go to the doctor's tomorrow, so I won't know how my blood pressure is until then. We also have an ultrasound tomorrow and I can't wait! We haven't had an ultrasound since 23 weeks and she weighed 1 lbs 6 oz. then, I'm dying to know how much she weighs now! I'm secretly hoping she's a lot bigger than she's suppose to be and they'll induce me early, I really don't want to be on bedrest for another 6 weeks or even longer.
As far as my headaches go I still have them, they never really go away, but laying down and sleeping seems to help. The medicine they gave me helps take the edge off a little, but I hate to take medicine so I only take a pill if my head is really pounding and unbearable.
The last few days I've become a toddler, I don't want to get meals, I just want to eat fruit snacks and breakfast food. Yesterday morning for breakfast Cole made me chocolate chip pancakes before going to work, for lunch I had a bowl of Raisin Bran, and for dinner I had more chocolate chip pancakes. This morning I had more Raisin Bran and for lunch I had fruit snacks. Cole even went food shopping yesterday and I refused to put down real food on the list. Cole was like "what do you want for meals?" I responded my saying "I don't want meals!" Cole didn't push the issue, maybe someday I'll eat like an adult again, until then I'm probably going to have pancakes again for dinner.
Since, I've been on bedrest, Lily thinks that she is on bedrest as well. Every morning I get up before Cole leaves for work and he sets up the livingroom for me so I can lay on the couch and watch tv. Well, as soon as I get out of bed Lily goes to bed and stays there until Cole comes home from work!
Here's my photo proof, now mind you these are all taken different days.
Lily in bed
Lily apparently thought Cole set-up the couch for her!