Thursday, August 21, 2008


So we had our ultrasound yesterday and at 34 weeks 1 day Grace is weighing in at 5 lbs 14 oz, almost 6 lbs already! Grace is measuring 2 weeks ahead, but she has been since the beginning. Unfortunately, just because she's measuring ahead doesn't mean she'll come any sooner. With 6 weeks left she will gain approximately half a pound a week, so if you take into account that an ultrasound weight guess can be off give or take a pound, she's likely to weigh between 8-10 pounds if we go 40 weeks. I'm hoping to go before 40 weeks, any time after 37 weeks is fine by me! Oh, also Grace is in the right position, head down, and ready to go!
We also had a doctor's appointment yesterday, my blood pressure was still high, just not as high, and I still have no protein in my urine, but I have started retaining A LOT of fluid. So, I'm still on bedrest and we will continue to monitor my bp weekly and take it from there. There is no talk of induction or anything, the doctor just said we'll watch it and won't do anything unless I start to get sicker or Grace starts show signs of distress.

Here's the picture from the ultrasound. It's a close up profile shot you can see her forehead, eye, nose, and pouty lips. She also has her hand on her forehead, she's already a drama queen!

I tried to trace it to give you a better idea of where everything is, mainly for Gracie's Auntie who has a very hard time seeing anything in an ultrasound picture!
As far as our other baby goes, poor Lily had to go to the vet this morning. I was woken up by her this morning around 5:30 because I heard her moving around a lot and thought it was weird, because she usually will pass out on the couch all night. When Cole got up at 6 I mentioned that Lily seemed uncomfortable, well sure enough when we tried to get her to move she was trying not to put pressure on her back left leg. Cole tried to touch her leg to look at it and she just cried. So off Cole and Lily went to the vet at 6:30. The vet checked Lily over and said it just looks like a strain or a pulled muscle, but to just watch it to make sure it doesn't get worse. So, poor Lily can't jump up on the couch or bed, so we made a bed for her on the floor with our pillows and sheets from the bed. She curled up on the sheet and pillows this morning with her toy and has been sleeping since. I feel so bad for her, but I am happy she is finally getting some rest.

Lily sleeping on her make-shift bed!

That's her old toy she found in the car and has been snuggling with it all morning, apparently she missed it a lot!

Then just a few bonus picture of Miss Lily the past few days:

Here Lily is attempting to share the couch with me.

She's not very good at sharing space!

Then, this is how Lily was sleeping the other night:

Apparently the lights were to bright for her!