Thursday, November 13, 2008

2 Months Old

I can't believe you are 2 months old today! The last months have flown by, yet at the same time I can't remember life without you, maybe it's because life without you just seems so trivial now. I can't believe how much you change from day to day.

(you today)

(you at 1 month)


(1 month)

I'm so fortunate that I am able to stay home with you, it truly is the most demanding, grueling, yet highly rewarding job I've ever had. I love watching you explore the world around you and boy I love that smile of yours. I love that you think I'm so funny, it doesn't matter what I say, as long as I'm talking to you, you're smiling.
You're feeling better these days. You were really miserable when I was eating dairy, but now that I've been dairy free for 3 weeks now, you are like a whole new baby! It's so nice to see you happy and relaxed! You also are starting to follow a schedule, I put you in your miracle blanket around 10p, you sleep until 1am, I feed you and you fall back asleep until 3 or 4, I feed you again and then you are awake and hang out with Daddy for an hour or 2 while I go to bed. Then you usually take a nice 4 hour nap with me in the morning. You still will only sleep on either me or Daddy, but that's okay, I like to keep you close anyways.

You still have some days where you just want to hang out at 4 in the morning and that's okay. I know in twenty years when I look back I won't say "man I wish I slept more when Grace was a baby" I'm sure I will say "I wish I cherished every minute with her!" Laundry and dishes will always be there, you at this time, in this moment won't, so I let the laundry and dishes pile up and just enjoy you! So I don't get mad, I just hang out with you, we talk, we play, we snuggle, we just enjoy each other, and yes we take pictures in our pajamas!

and then when you get tired we go back to sleep!

Speaking of sleep, I love watching you sleep, I could do it all day, sometimes I do!

( Yes you are sleeping in the pack-n-play, it's rare and usually only last 5-10 minutes, but that's okay we'll get there someday!)

You are starting to figure out what you like and what you don't. You may not like your swing, bouncy chair, or car seat, but you really like your stroller! I think you just like sitting like a big girl.

(note the leg warmers, they have become one of Mommy's favorite things, they make diaper changes so much easier!)

Man, I love watching you interact with Daddy! He loves you so much and you love him right back!

Keep growing Grace, but not to fast! Just remember how much we love you and keep smiling!