Things I am thankful for:
Miss Grace: I'm am so blessed to have you in my life, you make me laugh and smile everyday!
Cole: You are the love of my life, you pick me up when I fall down, you wipe away my sorrow, and you remind me everyday how much I am loved.
Lily: Our first baby, you certainly live up to the name "Silly Lily" and although your baby sister has stolen some of your thunder you still wake up every morning and give her a kiss! We are so thankful that we found you !
The Brennan's: Man, I have no idea how we would get by in life with you guys. You are truly some of our closest friends. She-she you have always been an amazing big sister you've helped me realize some of life's biggest lessons, you always knew when to hold my hand and when to let go. Josh, you truly are like my big brother, you've always been a protector and you can always make everyone laugh. Jackson, you bring so much joy and laughter into my world, your smile can always brighter my day, and a hug from you is like no other! Jacob, you are the cutest little baby boy and you've reminded me how fast time flies, seeing you constantly reminds me to slow down and take it all in! I love you guys! I am so thankful that you guys live so close, my life would be completely different if you guys still lived in Colorado. I am so thankful that you have sacrificed living in a better state to be closer to family, I truly appreciate this choice everyday!
Family: Our family is what keeps us going everyday, we would not be who we are or where we are if it wasn't for each and everyone of you.
Friends: We have been very blessed to have so many great friends, although we may not see you as often as we like, we know that you are there if we need you.
Happy Thanksgiving! May you all have a wonderful day!