So the past few days Miss Grace has been miserable, and I mean Miserable! Well, I just thought maybe she was going through the dreaded 4 month wakeful stage a little early, until Grace's Auntie asked about teething....hmm, could it be? So after another miserable night and day I looked up teething symptoms:
The symptoms most likely to trouble a teether include:
• Drooling (which can lead to a facial rash)
• Gum swelling and sensitivity
• Irritability or fussiness
• Biting behavior
• Refusing food
• Sleep problems
Oh no, she has all of them! So I gave her some Tylenol, let her chew on a cloth diaper, then when she was calmed downed enough I nursed her to sleep. Poor baby girl is so uncomfortable, I wish I could just make her feel better :(
Where Am I Now? Come Say Hi!
5 years ago