Some things you can now do:
-you crawl
-you pull up on everything and anything
-you cruise along furniture and toys
-you can say "Mama" "Dada" "Lily" "Hi" "Up" and "Hi Bubba" (that's our nickname for you)
-you clap, wave, and bang your hand on your mouth to make noises
-you love your toy house and love to crawl through it
-you love to jump
-you self feed all your own meals, even ones you really need help with, but your stubborn
-you still breastfeed at least 5-6 times a day
-you can sign more and milk, but are pretty stingy with them
-you understand the word "no" but throw a temper tantrum when we say "no"
-if you see someone eating or drinking you whine for the food/drink
-you love watermelon
-you love to feed Lily your food
-you try to steal Lily's toys
-you have not been a fan of the pool this Summer
-you like to put toys in your mouth and crawl around like a dog
-you like to kiss the baby in the mirror
-you are a stubborn little girl who knows what she wants and knows what to do to get it!
-you have many nicknames: Gracie, Baby, Bubba, Bubbalou, Monkey
Keeping growing!
Go back to compare Grace's growth
10 Month Pictures:
"Not this again!"