We had a very busy weekend! Saturday morning Grace had her usual dance class:
Then after dance we went to Adrianna's 1st birthday party! Emma & Carter sported some overalls!
The party was very nice. It was great to see family and Grace had a blast!
Sean & Katie had cupcakes to decorate and Amanda was awesome and helped Grace decorate a bunch.
On Sunday we got ready and went to the St. Patrick's Day parade in Abington.
"What do you mean we aren't going to the parade yet?" |
oops we cut off Daddy! |
"We better be heading to the parade now!" |
Carter was happy in his carseat at first, but that didn't last to long.
The Brennans' were there as well! Grace, Jacob, & Jackson hung out on the back of Papa's truck and ate while we waited for the parade to start.
Brennan Boys! |
After Carter got sick of his carseat I put him in the good ole' Baby K'tan! He watched the parade for a little while, but he was unimpressed and ended up just sleeping in the wrap for most of the parade.
Emma HATED the parade and cried for most of it until Cole was able to rock her to sleep and then she slept for the rest of the parade.
Emma was happy until the parade started! |
It ended up being colder then we expected it to be.
Grandma & Jacob trying to stay warm |
Grace played with her bubble gun while we waited for the parade to start and we become the parents of the child with the annoying toy at the parade! Grace attracted lots of kids with the bubble gun and had bubbles flying in everyones' faces...lovely! By the time the bubbles finally ran out Grace's hair so soaked, but it kept her happy while we waited!
Grace loved the parade, especially since most floats tossed out candy!
Some older guy from the parade yelled out that Grace was beautiful and said we need to have 10 more kids...ha maybe 1 more!
Someone handed Grace this flag and she loved it!