Tuesday, April 6, 2010


We had a great Easter. We woke up, Grace opened her Easter basket, found some eggs, then we got dressed, and headed next door to the Brennans'.
Grace's Easter basket. We also got Grace a water table, but I forgot to take a picture of it.
Grace with her new sunglasses.
Grace putting on her bunny ears.
Grace so happy to be wearing Momma's necklace. (Yes she has a picture of Cole and I in her hand, she loves that picture!)
Grace showing off an egg.
Once we got to the Brennans' the kids opened up more Easter presents, then we went outside so they could look for eggs.
Jackson finding eggs.
Grace looking for eggs.
Grandma and Jacob looking for eggs.
"There's an egg over there!"
Grace and Daddy.
Grace and Mama.
Nana, Jackson, and Grandma around the table.
After lunch the kids went back outside to play and enjoy the nice weather.
Papa and Jacob.

After the Brennans' we stopped by Cole's Mom's house for a few minutes and then we went to his Aunt's house.
Sleepy Grace snuggling with Auntie Cassie.
Poor Grace went all day without a nap. We didn't get home until 930 that night. Grace slept in from 930pm until 11am...she was one sleepy girl! It's so crazy that next Easter we'll have 3 kids..nuts!

And if you would like to compare, here's last Easter's blog.