Friday, November 26, 2010

Elf Sightings

Jack has been reporting back to Santa every night. When we went to see Santa the other day Grace asked Santa all about Jack. Luckily Santa knew all about elf on a shelf and had all the right answers for her. Jack fell off the tree the other day, I  was able to grab him quickly and then convince Grace that he was trying to run around, she thought it was hysterical, and keeps talking about it.

Jack was missing Santa, so he hung out near his picture.
 Hanging out on the tree, holding an ornament, I think he was hinting around that we should decorate our tree already.
 I think he likes the elf on Gracie's stocking.
 Jack made himself a little chair out of marshmallows and gumdrops.
 He even left a little message for Grace using gumdrops..Grace thought they were "ucky"
 Riding our polar bear snowbabies this morning.