I feel like from 7 months to 8 months you grew a ton, not only physically but mentally. I feel like the past month you really became less of a baby.
The things you do now:
- You love to pull yourself up on anything that's sturdy enough, like the high chair legs, your crib, your toy mirror, your exersaucer, and your toy baskets, just to name a few. You name it and you'll try to pull up on it.
- You're a climbing machine! You love to climb all over Daddy and me, we're your own personal jungle gym!
-You eat most things, except peas, and love eating table food. If Daddy or I don't share our food with you, you'll have a fit.
-You love Puffs and if you see the container you will fuss for them.
-You love kids, especially your cousin Jackson. Whenever we go out you love to stare at and laugh with all the kids.
-You love attention, especially when we're out in public, you always laugh and smile at all the people.
- You love Lily and her paws. You guys play quite the cute game...Lily will sit across from you, you touch her paw, she moves it to the right, you touch her paw again, she moves it to the left...this usually continues until either I convince Lily to move or I redirect you with a different toy.
-You can now say "hi" and "Lily" and the past few days you've been working on an m sound and a b sound. I'm hoping it's "Mama" your working on, but wouldn't be surprised if it was "milk," "more," or "baby." I guess only time will tell.
-You are trying so hard on trying to learn to wave and clap. Yesterday I was trying to teach you to clap, hours later you clapped once and turned to look at me with the biggest smile. I love that for hours you racked your brain to figure it out and were so proud of yourself when you finally did it. *updated: Grace can now clap! See video at the end!
-You sit like a pro now and will reach forward for toys (or Lily's paws) until your on all fours, but you never quite crawl.
-You're very good at standing, but don't quite understand that you don't know how to walk yet. You want me to help you stand, but then insist I let go once your standing, which then leads to falling.
-You now reach up for us to pick you up.
-You currently have 2 bottom teeth coming in.
-You love your Daddy so much and get the biggest smile on your face when he comes home. Daddy can always get the best smiles and laughs out of you.
- You still sleep with me, but are a great sleeper and you've even put yourself on a schedule. You go to sleep @ 10:30p and sleep until 9:30-10 a usually without waking in between. You usually don't even need Daddy to walk you anymore, you just eat, and then fall asleep. Thank you for that!
I love you!
Now the monthly pictures. Click here to compare to the past months.
Changing Table Picture:
"What's over there!"