Tuesday, April 27, 2010

13 Weeks

How far along? 13 Weeks 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: Down a few pounds. I've had a really hard time the past few days. My nausea is getting WORSE..is that even possible?? I thought it was supposed to get better in the 2nd trimester, not worse!

Maternity clothes? You bet! I really need to buy some new shirts soon, I'm running out of options! Money has been tight lately so, I'm waiting, and trying to squeeze into what I can.

Sleep: The same...I wake up every couple hours to pee. Gotta love that your body starts preparing you to get used to waking up every 2 hours before the baby comes, or babies in my case!

Best moment this week: Finally reaching the 2nd trimester! Yay 1/3 of the way there!

Food cravings: Nothing really this week, way to nauseous to want food this week.

Gender: Still a mystery, but I had a dream the other day they were 2 girls. It was AMAZING, I could see their faces and everything!

Movement: Nothing really. Every now and then I think I feel a flutter, but nothing consistly.

What I am looking forward to: Stopping my Progestrone! I only have 1 more pill left. I don't know if it plays any role in my feeling awful, but I'm happy to find out. I'm not going to lie though, I'm kind of scared to stop taking them. I'm terrified that I'll lose the babies once I stop.

What I miss: I miss having energy to actually clean my house. It's a DISATER, and I just can't seem to get off the couch to clean it. Cole tries, but he has such a hard time juggling working, taking care of Grace, cooking, cleaning, taking care of Lily, and catering to his whiny pregnant wife. Poor guy has so much on his plate! Oh how I would love to be able to hire a cleaning lady!

Milestones: I'm in the 2nd Trimester now! Yay!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Running on the Beach

Come on

Cole and Grace watching the Bruins.

The Beach

The Brennans' invited us to go to the beach with them yesterday. It was a very nice day.
Jackson flew his kite.
Grace collected rocks.
And licked them.
Jacob enjoyed the view.
Cole and Grace put their feet in the water.
and came back with a bucket full for me.
Jackson and Grace hugged A LOT!
We then headed across the street to the carosuel.
Grace did not enjoy her first time on a carosuel.
Grace took a nice long nap on the way home, so Cole and I were able to stop for ice cream without her knowing! Yesterday was one of those days that make you realize just how lucky you truly are! I love my family!

Sleepy Girl

We tried to push Grace's nap back by an hour on Wednesday because we were going to Cole's cousin's house and we wanted her to sleep in the car. Well, Grace just couldn't last. I put her in her highchair for a late lunch and when I turned around this is what I saw:

Poor baby was so tired. We let her sleep for 30 minutes, then we woke her up, cleaned her up, and hit the road. Luckily she fell right back to sleep in the car!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

12 Week Appointment

Good news is that both babies look good. Turns out I'm still losing weight, not gain. My Dr. is a little concerned. I'm trying to add more healthy fats to my diet. I've changed from skim milk to 2% and I'm trying to add cheese to everything I possible can, plus trying to eat guacamole. Guess we shall see.

My Dr. also wants me to do a 24 hour urine as a baseline. The Perinatologist said he wants to start doing the 24 hour urines early in hopes of catching Pre-eclampsia earlier if it develops, so my Dr. decided to do a baseline so we know where I'm starting.I feel good that my Dr.'s are on the same page and are being pro-active, it's reassuring.

I've been having awful migraines lately, which I guess is common during pregnancy. My Dr. said there isn't really anything to do besides taking Tylenol, oh well, guess I'll just have to suck it up.

I asked my Dr. if everything goes fine at what week would we schedule the c-section. She said 39 weeks, yikes! My goal is 38 weeks, so if I make it to 38 weeks, I think I'll be begging her to take the babies out then.

Monday, April 19, 2010

12 Weeks

The view looking down these days. 11 weeks 6 days.
How far along? 12 Weeks, yes I know I missed last week. I've been a bad blogger lately.

Total weight gain/loss: I think I'm up a couple pound. I started reading a book on twin pregnancies and even if you're overweight, like me, it  says you really should try to gain at least 15 if not 20 pounds, by 20 weeks. I'm trying very hard to make sure I get all the nutrients these babies need.

Maternity clothes? Yup, but I have no idea what I wore while pregnant with Grace, because I seem to be lacking in the maternity clothes. I guess I will need to go shopping for more soon.

Sleep: So awful. I just can't seem to get comfortable at night. I wake up every couple hours with numb hips and have to get up to pee and switch hips.

Best moment this week: We got to see the twins again on Thursday. It was awesome. They were moving all around like little jumping beans. Baby A was the difficult, non-cooperative one, and Baby B was very easy going and cooperative. We shall see if they stay that way.

Baby A
Baby B

Food cravings: Green olives!

Gender: Still a mystery, but we have a date set to find out. June 3rd!

Movement: Ok, I know this sounds crazy, but I think I've felt a few flutters here and there. I know it's crazy early, but who knows.

What I am looking forward to: We have another Dr's appointment today, I look forward to hearing the babies heartbeats.

What I miss: I miss what it feels like to not be nauseous ALL DAY.

Milestones: I'm in the last week of my 1st trimester..yay! Almost a 1/3 of the way there!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

First Picture

I realized the other day that I never took a picture of our ultrasound a few weeks ago. So here is the first picture of the twins together.

9 week ultrasound

Oh Daddy!

Outside Fun

The past few days have been really nice out here, so Grace, Jackson, and Jacob have been spending a lot of time playing outside.

Cole is trying to condition a hockey player. (As a side note Cole is responsible for this mismatched outfit.)
Grace doesn't like to use the door on the car, she insists on getting in Nascar style.
Grace takes time out of playing to give everyone hugs, she's such a loving girl.
Grace giving Jacob a hug.
Grace then decided that the car was built to hold 2 babies.
"Um..can you get your daughter off my lap?"
The funny part is that neither of them really cared, they both just sat there.
Grace finally got off and decided to try to push Jacob.

Yesterday was HOT! I mean, I was cranky and sweaty it was so hot. This is going to be one very long, hot summer for me! We decided to let Grace play with her new water table to cool off.

Grace likes to dump the water on herself, silly girl!
Grace just hanging out, taking a break from playing.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt

10 Weeks

This picture was technically 9 weeks 6 days.

Pregnancy: 10 weeks 1 day...yay for double digits!

Weight Gain: still down, but trying very hard to gain weight for these babies.

Sleep: Same deal... I usually get a good 4 hour stretch, then after that I'm up every other hour to pee or get sick. I toss and turn A LOT! My back has been hurting me, which has made getting comfortable in bed difficult. I've been trying to nap whenever possible.

Gender: I'm still leaing towards either 2 girls or a boy and girl and Cole's still leaning towards 2 boys or a boy and a girl. I've now had 2 dreams it was a boy and a girl and 1 dream it was two girls...so who knows!

Name: Girl #1: Emily Katherine (we'll call her Emma) Girl #2: Abigail Leigh (we'll call her Abby) Boy #1: Coleman Carter (we'll call him Carter) Boy #2: Jamison Patrick, he'll just go by Jamison.

Feeling: Morning sickness is not my friend, but I'm hanging in there. All the books say that morning sickness is a good sign, so I guess that's good!

Health: Everybody is good!

Movement: Still none, but I keep getting phantom movements, like I did after Grace was born. I assume they are phantom because it's still early.

Belly: Still so bloated. I look forward to getting a real baby belly.

Next Appointment: We have an ultrasound next Thursday and a Dr.'s appointment in 2 weeks.


We had a great Easter. We woke up, Grace opened her Easter basket, found some eggs, then we got dressed, and headed next door to the Brennans'.
Grace's Easter basket. We also got Grace a water table, but I forgot to take a picture of it.
Grace with her new sunglasses.
Grace putting on her bunny ears.
Grace so happy to be wearing Momma's necklace. (Yes she has a picture of Cole and I in her hand, she loves that picture!)
Grace showing off an egg.
Once we got to the Brennans' the kids opened up more Easter presents, then we went outside so they could look for eggs.
Jackson finding eggs.
Grace looking for eggs.
Grandma and Jacob looking for eggs.
"There's an egg over there!"
Grace and Daddy.
Grace and Mama.
Nana, Jackson, and Grandma around the table.
After lunch the kids went back outside to play and enjoy the nice weather.
Papa and Jacob.

After the Brennans' we stopped by Cole's Mom's house for a few minutes and then we went to his Aunt's house.
Sleepy Grace snuggling with Auntie Cassie.
Poor Grace went all day without a nap. We didn't get home until 930 that night. Grace slept in from 930pm until 11am...she was one sleepy girl! It's so crazy that next Easter we'll have 3 kids..nuts!

And if you would like to compare, here's last Easter's blog.